"The World" is a massive MMORPG that follows the main character, Tsukasa, as he struggles to figure out how he ended up completely stuck in "The World" in the first place. Tsukasa, however, suffers from many social and mental issues, such as anxiety, escapism, depression, and issues with establishing relationships with others. The series focuses upon these issues and Tsukasa's emotions, showing obvious signs of these ailments, but they are never blatantly stated. He is also extremely introverted and mentally unconscious because he is so troubled and detached from other people's feelings. His avoidance is because he's desperate for answers. He also suffers from amnesia because he doesn't remember his initial journey into the world. While possessing the rare item, "The Key of the Twilight", Tsukasa encounters and befriends many characters in the game while this item takes the form as his guardian, such as Mimiru, Bear, and Subaru, who he meets the characters in real life while online, but never in person. All of his new friends and adventures enable him to figure out who he is, what the world is, and how he can return back to reality.
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Monday, March 10, 2014
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Welcome to Anime Luvers
For those of you who would have ever remembered animeluvers.com, that was my website WAY back in the day. If you're wondering what it was, it was an anime fansite dedicated to bringing you information about anime in regards to summaries, character bios of the main characters in animes, images and wallpapers, and much more! I am bringing Anime Luvers back, except I'm going to review and edit all of the content prior to posting it because it was written eons ago! I hope you enjoy!
Note: I am going to be posting the content here for now and when I get the domain site back up again, I will transfer the content back over there!
Note: I am going to be posting the content here for now and when I get the domain site back up again, I will transfer the content back over there!
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